Co-funded by the EU

ARVOHIILI, investments

Higher added value biochar and its value chain – ARVOHIILI, investments

In ARVOHIILI, investments project, the laboratory equipment regarding R&D will be developed for studying higher value biochar based products.

The equipment will be located in Research Centre for bio and circular economy BioSampo in Kouvola.

Goals of the ARVOHIILI, investments project

The project Higher value added biochar and its value chains – ARVOHIILI, investments is closely related to the Higher value added biochar and its value chains – ARVOHIILI development project.

The main goal of the ARVOHIILI development project is to diversify and strengthen the regional economy by creating new business opportunities and jobs, as well as by raising the level of expertise. The innovation solutions related to the production and use of biochar will create business opportunities both for companies already located and for companies that are considering locating in the area.

The main goal of the investment project is to support the achieving of the goals of the ARVOHIILI development project by acquiring the laboratory equipment needed in the study of biochar.

What will be done during the project?

In the ARVOHIILI, investments project, the laboratory equipment needed for the study of biochar will be acquired. The equipment acquired during the project will be related to the pre-treatment of raw materials and side streams to produce biochar, the developlment of pyrolysis processing parameters for new raw materials, and the analysis of biochar.

During the project, following equipment will be acquired:

  • Equipment for recovery and treatment of pyrolysis gases and liquids
  • Equipment for plastic pyrolysis
  • Shredding equipment
  • TGA-MS
  • Ball Mill
  • XRD


TGA-MS (Thermogravimetric Analysis-Mass Spectrometry) has arrived to BioSampo and first tests have been performed during the spring.

More information

More information about the ARVOHIILI, investments project available:

Jarmo Kilpeläinen (Project Manager)

p. 044 702 8914

TGA-MS Netzsch TG 209 F1 Libra + QMS 403 Aëolos Quadro


Project name:

Higher added value biochar and its value chain – ARVOHIILI, investments

Project duration: 1.10.2023–30.6.2026


Lead partner: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk)
Focus area: Forest environment and energy
Research area: Bio-based and circular economy
Research centre: Biosampo
Impact goal: Environment and sustainability


Financier and main source of funding: Regional Council of Kymenlaakso / Justified Transition Fund (JTF)
Total budget: 912 079 €