Green hydrogen and carbon dioxide to empower South-East Finland

Promoting the emergence of a hydrogen economy in South-East Finland

Industry based on green electricity, carbon dioxide and hydrogen 

Hydrogen ecosystem in South-East Finland

The industry based on green electricity, hydrogen and carbon dioxide will have significant role in the green transition and economic development in the regions of South Karelia and Kymenlaakso. These regions have significant potential in renewable energy and hydrogen economy. Regions produce majority of green carbon dioxide in Finland, which has changed from emission into potential and strengths that this project will investigate.

Green hydrogen and carbon dioxide to empower South-East Finland project aims to promote the conditions in building of renewable energy and utilization of green hydrogen and carbon dioxide utilization and through that industrial development in South-East Finland. The project promotes the cooperation of actors in the development of the regions and emphasizes their strengths.

Project information

Project name:

Green hydrogen and carbon dioxide to empower South-East Finland

Project duration: 1.9.2024–28.2.2027


Lead partner: Lappeenrannan-Lahden teknillinen yliopisto LUT
Partial partners: Lappeenrannan kaupunki, Suomen Vetylaakso ry, Suomen Vetylaakso ry, Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy, Lab-ammattikorkeakoulu Oy, Kouvola Innovation Oy, Cursor Oy, Imatran Seudun Kehitysyhtiö Oy
Focus area: Forest environment and energy
Research area: Sustainable energy systems
Impact goal: Environment and sustainability


Financier and main source of funding: Etelä-Karjalan liitto, Euroopan aluekehitysrahaston (EAKR) rahoittama
Total budget: 1 199 314
EU part of the total budget: 959 451
Xamk part of the total budget: 67 691

Contact information

Metsä, ympäristö ja energia
Sirpa Rahiala
Research Manager