

South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences – Partner in Foodnutri research infrastructure

Foodnutri, a national research infrastructure for climate smart food researchThis is where you explain the impact of your project.

The Foodnutri research infrastructure will contribute to the implementation of the EU’s Food 2030 policy.

Foodnutri is a national food and nutrition research infrastructure

Xamk’s Active Life Lab research unit is a member of the multidisciplinary Foodnutri consortium. Foodnutri is a national food and nutrition research infrastructure that broadly serves the entire food system. Active Life Lab performs the project in cooperation with Xamk’s Responsible Food Services Research Group.

The Foodnutri research infrastructure will contribute to the implementation of the EU’s Food 2030 policy, taking into account the Finnish government’s vision: “In 2030, Finnish consumers eat tasty, healthy and safe Finnish food that has been produced sustainably and ethically. Consumers have the ability and possibility to make informed choices.”.

The research environment will enable research on topics such as consumer food choices.

At Xamk, the project aims to build a research environment and related services at the Saimaa Stadium and Active Life Lab. The research environment will enable research on topics such as consumer food choices and the attractiveness of digital display media.

Project Activities

The aim is to address critical challenges to the environment and people’s health and well-being. Foodnutri aims to make a significant contribution to ensuring healthy nutrition, sustainable food security and excellent food safety.

Foodnutri aims to upgrade domestic raw materials and side streams using innovative food processing and packaging technologies and to provide information on food characteristics, structure and safety, physiological responses to food, consumer acceptance, food consumption and nutrient intake, and on sustainability of food choices. The services are targeted for researchers, food business operators, authorities, health professional, farmers, and for other interested stakeholders. 

Creating a service concept

Foodnutri will create a service concept that provides the wider community, under certain conditions, with access to equipment. The infrastructure encompasses seven research platforms:

  • Food processing
  • Food characterisation
  • Food safety
  • Physiological responses to food
  • Sensory and consumer research
  • Food consumption and nutrient intake
  • Environmental sustainability and footprint

Picture 1. Foodnutri is constructed upon seven knowledge-based platforms collaboratively targeting to address critical challenges for health and well-being both for the planet and people.
Picture 2. Added value of FoodNutri.

Data-driven welfare services

Data-driven welfare services are one of Xamk’s strategic development areas. This strategic research line is mainly used in the research laboratory of the Active Life Lab, where the latest research technology enables the study of the interaction between physical activity and food choices. The aim of the Responsible Food Services Research Group is to promote the ecological, economic, and social sustainability of food services as part of a regionally sustainable food system. This research technology and the role of food services in supporting consumer’s good and nutritious eating will continue to be developed through the Foodnutri project Sensory and Consumer Research.

The aim of the project is to create an environment where consumer’s dietary choices can be influenced through information-based recommendations, physical activity and lifestyle guidance.

Influencing people’s dietary choices through information-based advice, physical activity and lifestyle guidance.

More information

Arto Pesola

Head of RDI Unit
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
p. 040 6411 504

Teija Rautiainen

Research group manager
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
p. 040 0872 759

Piia Mikonsaari

Project manager
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
p. 050 4108 048


Project name:

FOODNUTRI – Climate smart FOOD and NUTrition Research Infrastructure

Project duration: 1.1.2022–31.12.2024


Lead partner: Helsingin yliopisto
Partial partners: University of Helsinki, University of Eastern Finland, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Natural Resources Institute Finland, Finnish Food Safety Authority, Finnish Environment Institute, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, University of Turku
Area of strength: Sustainable wellbeing
Competence edge: Sustainable food services
Research unit: Active Life Lab


Financier and main source of funding: Financiers and main source of funding: Academy of Finland
Total budget: 5 229 528
Xamk part of the total budget: 213 347

The Foodnutri research infrastructure was granted € 3.5 million in funding by the Academy of Finland. The three-year project is headed by Professor of Food Safety Marina Heinonen from the University of Helsinki’s Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. The finding granted is based on the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) of the European Union and the governmental Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland. Through their activities, RRF-funded projects promote digitalisation and the achievement of the goals associated with the green transition.