Fishers as tourism companies’ customers

This project aims at promoting fishing in Finland and increasing fishing tourism, also outside the summer season. The project pilots online training sessions on fishing tourism. These training sessions help find out and evaluate how to organise this kind of instruction. The project targets micro- and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the field of hospitality services all around Finland. 

This is what we do!

Online training

There are three online training sessions during the project. The first session concentrates on the needs of fishers. The second session’s theme is productisation, and the third session focuses on marketing. The project also aims at promoting regional cooperation. The training session materials are available on the project’s website after the project.

This will be great!


Project name:

Fishers as tourism companies’ customers

Project duration: 14.6.–4.12.2024


Lead partner: Xamk
Other partners: Kalastajan Kanava
Focus area: Sustainable wellbeing


Financier and main source of funding: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland
Total budget: 22099€
Xamk part of the total budget: 11809€

