Maximizing the utilisation of the nutrient and energy potential of sewage sludge

The Y-MAX project optimizes the sewage sludge treatment process to achieve maximum benefit in nutrient recovery and energy production while minimizing energy consumption.

Recycling energy and nutrients from municipal sewage sludge

Enhancing biogas production of sewage sludge

The energy content of municipal sewage sludge is low and additional sludge treatment, such as nutrient recovery, requires energy.

Additional energy can be added to biogas production by utilising chicken or fish manure. The additional energy can be used in sludge processing. As a transport fuel, biogas significantly reduces transport emissions.

Nitrogen recovery before the biogas process

Chicken and fish manure contain a lot of nitrogen. The project optimises the nutrient content of chicken and fish manure by recovering nitrogen from them before the biogas process. This avoids inhibition due to high nitrogen content in the digestion reactor.


The Y-MAX project covers the entire value chain of municipal sewage sludge, from sludge to the final treatment of digestate after biogas production. The project studies both dry and wet digestion and the subsequent optimisation of end products to maximize nutrient recovery. The development of real-time monitoring of the process and the monitoring technology play an important role in the project.

The project consists of six work packages:

WP 1. Project coordination and communication

WP 2. Regulations, symbiosis and commercialization

WP 3. Characterization, measurement and monitoring

WP 4. Nitrogen removal and recovery

WP 5. Fraction characterization &; sludge and digestion optimization

WP 6. Digestion disposal and nutrient recovery




Project name:

Y-MAX – Maximizing the utilisation of the nutrient and energy potential of sewage sludge

Project duration: 1.1.2024–31.10.2025


Lead partner: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Xamk
Partial partners: Ductor Oy, Dewaco Oy, Finnish Water Forum, Valmet Automation Oy, Intolead Oy
Other partners: BioSairila Oy
Focus area: Forest environment and energy
Research area: Environmental safety and water technology
Impact goal: Environment and sustainability


Financier and main source of funding: Ministry of the Environment
Total budget: 679 798 euros
Xamk part of the total budget: 241 016 euros


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Project partners

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Contact information

Vuokko Malk
RDI Specialist
+358 40 647 4809

Hanne Soininen
Head of Research Group
+358 400 869 952

Valmet Automation
Heidi Tervo
Research Manager
+358 40 961 8897

Riku Kettunen
Production Manager
+358 40 717 2800

Mika Jantunen
Partner & CEO
+358 50 463 3271

Jaakko Kapanen
Senior Project Manager 
+358 40 731 3434

Kerttu Koskenniemi
Head of Laboratory
+358 50 365 5910

BioSairila Oy
Aino-Maija Laitinen
+358 50 400 5001