Co-funded by the EU South Savo Regional Council


New modeling, measurement and process concepts to improve the production, raw material, energy and environmental efficiency of the bioproduct mill

Bioproduct mills are the largest user of bio raw materials and producer of bio-products and energy in Finland and in the world. Bioproduct mills still have enormous potential for improving material and energy efficiency.

The most essential part of the project is the new continuous measuring devices, including advanced remote monitoring and management systems.

Project background

For a long time, studies have been carried out at the FiberLaboratory to improve the operation of the various sub-processes of the bioproduct mill. New measurement and modeling technology needed for the studies has been developed and put into use. This activity has created a considerable know-how environment and an industrial consortium, which is e.g. identified significant development targets to improve the production, raw material, energy and environmental efficiency.

The most essential part of the project is the new continuous measurement devices including advanced remote monitoring and management systems, their utilization in research and their implementation in understanding, improving and controlling the operation of sub-processes in bioproduct mills. These studies create a basis for the development of the autonomous operation of factories, which is currently a strong development trend in the field.

Thirteen companies participate in the research and the University of Maine as a foreign partner.

At the farthest we are in development work regarding oxygen delignification, where the modeling know-how to be developed, combined with new continuous measurements, could in the future enable optimized and autonomous operation of processes. In terms of washing processes and waste water treatment, the utilization of new continuous measurements also provides opportunities for the automation of operations.


The project is divided into the following mutually supportive work packages:

WP 1. Modeling development of oxygen delignification and bleaching steps
WP 2. Ozone treatment
WP 3. Brown pulp washing and wastewater treatment
WP 4. Implementation and utilization of new measurement and modeling applications
WP 5. New process concepts and development targets



The goal of the UMaMi project is to produce information to improve the operation of the bioproduct mill’s sub-processes and to be utilized in the in process planning, implementation, instrumentation, daily production control and optimization, and in the development of autonomous operation of processes.

Modern measurements, modeling and digital remote monitoring and analysis methods are developed and used extensively in the project. At the same time, the introduction of modeling and measurement methods in industry is promoted and scientifically significant basic information is produced about the operation of the sub-processes of the fiber line.

The final objective is to make the processes of the bioproduct mill more efficient, so that significant savings are achieved in the consumption of energy, materials and water, which can also save on the energy costs of evaporation and reduce the load on wastewater plants.

Experiences and articles

More information

Jari Käyhkö
RDI Specialist
Riku Kopra
RDI Specialist


Project name:

UMaMi – New modeling, measurement and process concepts to improve the production, raw material, energy and environmental efficiency of the bioproduct mill

Project duration: 1.9.2022–31.1.2025


Lead partner: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
Area of strength: Forest environment and energy
Competence edge: Bio-based and circular economy, Fibre process engineering and wood construction
Research unit: Fiberlaboratory


Financier and main source of funding: South Savo Regional Council, Co-funded by the European Union
Total budget: € 712 458
Xamk part of the total budget: € 78 706

The companies’ funding share is 20%. In addition, the companies participate in the project with significant in-kind contributions, including equipment financing, measuring equipment, installation costs, costs following trial runs and their own work input.

Project partners