Towards decent care work

The concept of “decent work” is a new perspective in nursing research. The focus is shifting from problem-based examination to positive dimensions of working life. The project aims to develop a model of decent work from the bottom up, based on the perspectives of the employees. 

The principles of socio-ecological modeling are used.

The novelty of the study

The concept of decent work is a new perspective in nursing research. The focus is shifting from problem-based examination to positive dimensions of working life. The project aims to develop a model of decent work based on the perspectives of the employees, creating a holistic approach rather than focusing on individual factors. The dimensions of decent work generally include secure employment and employee engagement, social and health protection, workers’ rights and participation in decision-making, and social interaction and equal treatment.

These dimensions encompass more specific themes related to the position of aging workers in the workforce, the renewal of skills and competencies, work-life balance, psychological safety, and the development of bottom-up models in the workplace. Through these dimensions, the research project examines the conditions for building decent work in nursing, a field where sustainable work has so far been little studied.

The healthcare sector is undergoing a transformation.

The healthcare sector, which has traditionally been strongly based on intrinsic motivation and the desire to help—that is, a sense of vocation—is undergoing a transformation.

The key actions of the project

The objectives of the project are to:

  • Compile and evaluate previous research evidence on the dimensions of decent work for nurses.
  • Define the dimensions of decent work and test their relationship to nurses’ well-being and job commitment.
  • Deepen and analyze the understanding of the meanings nurses assign to decent work.

The sub-studies of the project include:

  1. Systematic Literature Review: To gather and assess existing research on the dimensions of decent work in nursing.
  2. Qualitative Sub-study: Collection of written data from nursing staff to gain insights into their perspectives on decent work.
  3. Survey Study: Testing the indicators of decent work developed from previous sub-studies.
  4. Creation of a Decent Work Model: Utilizing the principles of socio-ecological modeling to develop the model.

Experiences and articles

