The goal of the project is to build a national network for different artists in the music industry, looking for interfaces at the intersections of other content production industries and especially the gaming industry. The purpose is to bring together the industry’s fragmented field of actors, various organizations, associations and freelancers to strengthen a common vision of the industry’s future skills needs, training and internationalization needs.

“There is a need for networking, co-operation and creating a stronger common vision and goals.”

Need for networking in the music industry

In several studies, it has been found that the Finnish creative fields are afflicted by the heterogeneity and fragmentation of individual actors and companies. This is also especially true in the field of popular music and other content production industries that utilize it.

There is a need for networking, co-operation and creating a stronger common visions and goals. Remote technologies themselves already enable different contents and productions to be made regardless of place and time. The primary challenge is the mutual networking and meeting of creators an actors, also making stronger use of digital platforms and methods of operation.

The changes challenge previous business models

Music and other content production industries have been in the middle of major upheavals due to e.g. as the explosive development of the technologies enabling the making, production and distribution of the industry. The changes have challenged previous business models and earning logics, which are still looking for sustainable solutions in many areas. The tools and instruments used for the creation itself, as well as the different stages of the production process, have also grown, enabling the production of new content for more and more people interested in it.

Project’s main objectives

The aim of the project is:

  • build a nationwide network for various players in the music industry, looking for interfaces at the intersections of other content production industries and especially the game industry
  • especially strengthens the use of popular music making, production and technology in different areas and productions of content production
  • strengthens the industry’s broad but fragmented free-lance field and the utilization of remote technologies in national and international productions
  • bring together the industry’s fragmented field of actors, various organizations, associations and freelancers to strengthen a common vision of the industry’s future skills needs, training and internationalization needs

Project results:

Music and the national network of content production industries that utilize it guides the rooting of the industry’s national know-how and network-like operating methods as part of the industry’s national and international development. The actors have formed a common vision of competence needs, as well as built ways to identify and recognize competence in the field through cooperation with educational institutions. The education of educational institutions also meets the needs of the rapidly changing operating field of the times, both in terms of content creation, production and strong utilization of technologies, as well as changing business and earning logics.

XAMK’s work packages in the project

  • development of specialization studies in music and audio production in cooperation with education in the game industry
  • hybrid and remote production technology and making as part of network-like content production
  • the changing earning logics and models of the digital content production industries
  • identifying and recognizing informal and non-formal competence in the music and content production fields by applying the CLOCK competence mark system in cooperation with the international Tulip Peer-2-Peer Foundation and the CLOCK Your Skills network.



Luovan talouden tutkimusyksikkö
Silja Suntola
Project Manager
Social media
Luovan talouden tutkimusyksikkö

“I am a ‘multimedia artist,’ a gamification enthusiast, and I am deeply interested in game design, AV technology, and culture, as well as their intersections. I am quiet, attentive, and compassionate. I enjoy finding solutions to all kinds of problems.

I work in Kymenlaakso, in Kouvola, at the Kasarminmäki campus in Meduusa Studio. My primary role is as a gamification and digitalization expert in the Creative Industries Research Unit, participating in various projects. I am also enthusiastic about using imagination and often apply the method of ‘Lateral Thinking.’ I am passionate about developing AV and media solutions, digital gadgets, and shaping the present and future of the Future Experience Lab.”

Miikka-Petteri Lesonen
RDI Specialist
Social media


Project name:


Project duration: 1.3.2024–28.2.2027


Lead partner: Rytmi-instituutti
Partial partners: XAMK


Financier and main source of funding: Hämeen ELY-keskus, ESR+ – Euroopan sosiaalirahasto 21-27
Total budget: 221 958 €
EU part of the total budget: 177 566 €
Xamk part of the total budget: 44 393 €

Project partners