Digital Steps
Towards customer-oriented digital business
The two-year Digital Steps – Towards customer-oriented digital business -project is intended for companies in South Savo region that want to learn and develop the skills required to succeed in today’s digital business environment.
The digital environment is constantly changing and evolving – stay up to date with Digital Steps.
Purpose and goals
The project aims to support the development of digital business in SMEs and the utilization of digital applications, as well as to promote the growth of e-commerce in the region in the domestic market and expand into international markets.
The measures will improve the change capability of companies, especially through increased customer understanding.
This will enable new business openings and the development of companies’ products and services to better meet customer needs.
Staying up-to-date with digital developments and increasing customer understanding improve companies’ ability to anticipate changes in the operating environment.
Core activities

Competence mapping
Competence mapping
The most important areas of digital skills development and training needs for the company are sought In the free skills mapping.

Training digital skills
Training digital skills
The Digital Steps project provides digital skills training tailored to the specific needs of South Savo SMEs.

Business sparring
Business sparring
Through sparring sessions, our business advisors provide companies with in-depth digital guidance. Sparring applications are accepted twice annually.

Business advisors
Business advisors
Business advisor training ensures they stay abreast of the evolving digital business landscape, showcasing new tools that streamline work for both business advisors and micro and SMEs.

Growth paths of online stores
Growth paths of online stores
Growth paths of online stores offers coaching programs specifically designed for South Savo online retailers. Participants receive training from leading experts, engage in networking activities, and gain support and sparring to enhance their online stores.
Articles and publications from Digital Steps
- Tekoäly apuna pk-yrittäjän arjessa – Next (xamk.fi)
- Hyviöstä kasvamassa työkalu hankkeiden vaikuttavuuden arviointiin | READ Xamk
- Solutions for improving impact evaluation | Xamk Beyond
- Model for Digital Skills Training for SMEs
- Eteläsavolaisten mikroyritysten liiketoiminnan kehittäminen digisparrauksen avulla | Xamk Digitaalisen talouden vahvuusalajulkaisu
- Digitalisation in small and medium sized enterprises – lessons from Digital Steps projects | Xamk Beyond
- Hyviöstä kasvamassa työkalu hankkeiden vaikuttavuuden arviointiin | READ Xamk
- Tulevaisuuden asiantuntijat löytyvät alustoilta – Innovaatiokilpailu ideoiden vauhdittajana, case Skillhive | Tietoasiantuntija
- Laadukas mobiilivideotuotanto: mobiilivideokuvaus-oppaan kehittäminen | Opinnäytetyö
- Verkko haastaa kouluttajan ja koulutettavan | READ Xamk
- Digiportaat – isokin voi olla ketterä – Next (xamk.fi)
- Digiportaat – isoja harppauksia pienten yritysten digipolulla | Kohti Etelä-Savon digitaalista innovaatiokeskittymää. Xamk kehittää
- Verkkokauppa kasvuun Ruotsin malliin
- Yrittäjän digitaalisen markkinoinnin opas
- Polkuja pk-yritysten liiketoiminnan kasvuun
- Menesty verkossa: Huippuasiantuntijoiden tehovinkit
- Mobiilivideo-opas
- Pk-yrityksen digiopas
- Etelä-Savon digipuntari 2021
- Etelä-Savon digipuntari 2020
- Etelä-Savon digipuntari 2019