AMBIO – Additive manufacturing technologies for the regional bioeconomy cluster
In the project pair, the expertise needed by business networks was strengthened in manufacturing, together with Aalto University and partner companies.
Ecologically sustainable product innovations with additive manufacturing
Increasing speed and new biomaterials for additive manufacturing
The project promoted new bioeconomy and technology cluster business activities at both regional and national levels. This was done by strengthening the skills needed by business networks in manufacturing in the Savonlinna competence center, in the South Savo region and in Finland as a whole. In the project, examples of new 3D printable wood-based materials, composites and product designs were developed and demonstrated in cooperation with companies. The transition from prototype production to series production was accelerated by combining the best aspects of injection molding and 3D printing technologies.
An important development target was the development of know-how and new solutions for wood-based processing using 3D printing. The goal was to replace fossil raw materials with polymers processed from wood, recyclable material solutions and other biomaterials.
The main actions of the project
The AMBIO group project included work packages:
- WP1 Material recycling, development and use of wood composites and large scale 3D-printing
- WP2 3D-printing assisted manufacturing of the sandwich structure honeycomb from a new bio-based composite for the wood products industry (Aalto)
- WP3 From prototype production to serial production
- WP4 Utilization of biomimicry and other optimal structures
- WP5 Application-specific special materials
- WP6 Demonstrations or case studies together with companies
- WP7 Project management and communication
The project ended on 31 May 2024. Link to the final report of the AMBIO project pair: AMBIO loppuraportti
AMBIO – Additive manufacturing technologies for the regional bioeconomy cluster
9% of funding from companies
Project partners