European Union, European Regional Development Fund Regional Council Kymenlaakso


The aim was to promote energy efficiency in demanding targets (for example, high cooling and/or heating requirements, development of the use of high energy consumption electrical appliances) with energy monitoring model and guidelines.

The project is finished.

The aim is to promote energy efficiency in demanding targets (for example, high cooling and/or heating requirements, development of the use of high energy consumption electrical appliances) with energy monitoring model and guidelines. The model will be based on the energy consumption reports, measurements and the actions taken on the basis of that data. An essential part of research is a long-term follow-up. The follow-up data creates the knowledge and experience of the best practices and necessary (continuous) measurements that should exist. The resulting model can be utilized and expanded to other similar demanding energy consumption targets. The project also establishes guidelines by which the operators and users are advised to take energy-saving actions.

The project study topic is the energy efficiency and the promotion of renewable energy opportunities in different targets. The research methods include measurement, monitoring and profitability calculations as well as the various destination-specific reports. The project will increase expertise in energy-intensive targets in order to improve energy efficiency by providing information about energy saving opportunities and by developing energy-efficient solutions.

Ecool project is coordinated by South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk).

Project implementation time is 1.10.2015 – 30.9.2018. Project budget is 412 000 €. The main financier is Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional council, European Regional Development Fund.

Project name:


Project duration: 1.10.2015–30.9.2018


Lead partner: Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu
Other partners: Kymijoen Ravintopalvelut Oy, Kotka Maretarium Oy, Kotka-Kymin seurakunta, VR Group, Virolahden kunta ja Mikkelin tuomioseurakunta
Focus area: Forest environment and energy


Financier and main source of funding: Uudenmaan liitto Euroopan unionin aluekehitysrahastosta
Total budget: EUR 411 618
Xamk part of the total budget: EUR 411 618

More information

Erja Tuliniemi
Porject manager
044 702 8469