Eating together

Lunches for seniors

The project developed new Eating together models for seniors and supports building up networks of service providers in sparsely populated areas.

The project is finished.

The percentage of ageing citizens is constantly growing in South Savo region in Finland. At the same time, the trend for centralization of services in city centres and outsourcing of the public Meals on wheels service, call for new solutions.

Trials in four rural districts

Eating together – lunches for seniors trials are currently carried out with local caterers, transportation services, entertainment providers and the third sector. The elderly are encouraged to participate in designing the lunch services, e.g. selecting the weekdays and frequency of eating together, and the type of special programming at lunches, if desired.

From trials to an established practice

South Savo Social and Health Services (Essote) will determine based on the trials, which models are the most popular and feasible, and they will then be implemented as an established practice. The aims are to secure a balanced diet for seniors, to add an opportunity to participate, to experience the sense of community, and to reduce the feeling of loneliness among seniors.


The seniors eating together project is carried out during 2018 by South Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk) and South Savo Social and Health Services (Essote), Department of Services for Elderly and Disabled. It is funded by The Regional Council of South Savo by Regional Innovations and Experimentations (AIKO) -fund.

Project name:

Eating together – Lunches for seniors

Project duration: 1.1.–31.12.2018


Lead partner: South Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Xamk
Partial partners: South Savo Social and Health Services, Essote


Financier and main source of funding: Etelä-Savon maakuntaliitto, Alueelliset innovaatiot ja kokeilut -rahoitus (AIKO)
Total budget: EUR 98 097
Xamk part of the total budget: EUR 59 868

More information

Teija Rautiainen
Research Manager
0400 872 759