As a key measure, digital imaging from unmanned aerial vehicles, especially drones, and related data analytics are applied.
During the project a drone and a machine vision model will be build.
Project goals and measures.
Distribution of electricity is in a central role in the recovery from different natural phenomena caused by climate change and the management of related risks. The aim of the project is to develop the capabilities of energy companies to respond to different fault situations related to electric networks and to prepare for different natural phenomena related risks through better maintenance. A central method for achieving this is the utilization of digital imaging from unmanned aerial vehicles, especially drones, and related data analytics. In the project, different drone solutions as well as solutions for imaging and data analytics are experimented with in different weather circumstances and in both fault detection and maintenance.
Promoting adaptation to climate change, risk prevention and disaster preparedness and resilience.
New methods, solutions and processes are introduced and developed related to these themes based on needs and processes of energy companies. The pursued result of the project is improved readiness for recovering from different natural phenomena and disasters using fast drone-based fault detection with less carbon dioxide emissions. The project produces new information, which can be used for understanding different fault situations and circumstances and for reacting to those situations. In addition, the project produces new methods for dealing with different situations and circumstances. As a result of the project, knowhow related to the maintenance and risk management of electric networks is improved.
Measures and work packages
The background of the project
The background of the project involves the critical role of electricity distribution in recovering from various climate-related natural phenomena and managing associated risks. The project aims to enhance energy companies’ ability to respond to different disruptions in power grids and proactively prepare for risks related to natural events through improved maintenance practices.
Measures and work packages
The key measure is to use digital imaging performed by unmanned aerial vehicles, especially drones, and related data analytics. In the project, different types of drone, image and data analytics solutions and their applicability in fault management and maintenance of power grids in an appropriate situation. New methods, solutions and processes are developed and implemented for these themes, based on all processes and identified needs of energy companies.
Background and needs survey
Background survey
- The various available drone and other types of drones (including fixed-wing drones) and their suitability as platforms for various sensors are mapped.
- Collecting experiences from the application of technologies related to fault location and management of electrical networks.
Needs survey
- The needs of the participating electricity network companies for the use of drone-based methods in fault management and maintenance, as well as the possibilities of applying drone solutions as part of their operations, will be clarified.
- The companies’ current processes and systems in use for fault management of electricity networks will be investigated.
Drone experiments
- The drone experiments implemented in the project are being planned.
Drone experiments
- Drone flights are carried out in a variety of ways in different electrical network environments and conditions, experimenting with different technologies and methods of implementation.
- Investigating the suitability of various drone platforms for fault location and inspections.
- Evaluating the success of drone experiments using different implementation methods.
Automation of drone flights
- Making the necessary mappings for the automation of drone flights and draw up a plan for the most cost-effective mobile demo and testing equipment.
- Within the available resources and funding, a demo and testing system for automatic drone flights will be implemented.
Data analytics
Planning and existing solutions
- The methods and tools to be tested in data analytics are planned based on background mapping and experiences gained from different imaging methods.
- Tools and sufficient knowledge for data analytics in the application area of the project will be acquired.
- If necessary, planning the development of our own data analytics methods from the starting points of the various data collected.
- Planning a solution for data management using cloud services.
Data quality
- Methods for studying the quality and usability of data collected from drones with the help of sensors are developed and implemented.
- The quality of data collected by different sensors in different conditions and at different times of the year is studied.
Implementation and methods of data analytics
- The goal is to find methods that work in automatic fault location in Finnish conditions.
- Various existing methods and software are widely tested.
- Developing methods for analyzing the data produced by different sensors from the point of view of fault location and risk management of the electrical network.
As a result of the project, the aim is to be prepared for fast and better drone-based fault location and repair, suitable for recovering from natural phenomena with lower carbon dioxide emissions than before, as the use of vehicles and helicopters decreases. The project produces, with the help of which one learns to better understand various distractions and – situation and information as well as information and methods suitable for situations and circumstances. As a result of the project, maintenance and risk management skills related to electricity networks will also be strengthened.
Public relations and networks
Public relations and publication activities
Information will be given about the project and its results, as well as the possibilities of drone technology in the province. The results of the project are published nationally and also internationally.
- The cooperation between the project implementer and the participating companies will be intensified and a theme network of operators will be formed around the project’s subject area.
- Networking with other regional operators.
- The results of the project will be transferred to the teaching of the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences as applicable.
- The materials are used in the training of drone pilots of the electricity network.
Promoting business opportunities
- Opportunities to integrate the results into part of the business of the participating energy companies are identified.
- The opportunities for commercialization of the achieved results are scanned.
A drone in the making
During the project, a prototype drone will be built to photograph power lines. The following components will be attached to the drone:
- Jetson Xaviex NX
- Air Commander Entire r3
- Cube Black
- Sony ILX-LR1 + Gremsy Gimbal
- Elsight Halo
- Livox Avia + CopterLab Gimbal
The project has also used a DJI M300 RTK drone with sensors such as:
- DJI Zenmuse H20T thermal camera
- DJI Zenmuse P1 camera
- DJI Zenmuse L1 LiDar
- Sony ILX-LR1 with custom gimbal

Machine vision model
Power lines have been photographed and data collected during the project. Based on this data, a machine vision model is built on Roboflow’s online platform. When completed, the machine vision model can be freely downloaded and used by everyone.
When machine vision model is complete, it can be freely downloaded.
Drones and Data Analytics in the Fault Detection and Maintenance of Electric Networks – DroneData
Project partners