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Digital applications in youth employment services

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Project active: 1.5.2017-30.5.2020

Digital applications in youth employment services

Youth unemployment is high in South Savo and Finland as well as all over Europe. NEET youth (youth not in employment, education or training) living in sparsely populated areas have a high risk of becoming excluded from the labour market and society. NEET youth living in both urban and rural communities in sparsely populated areas need special support in getting an education and employment as well as reaching public services and support system aimed at youth employment.

The project is carried out in South Savonia with transnational cooperation with a partner project in Lithuania.

Project objectives

The project enhances youth employment in sparsely populated areas of Eastern Finland and other European regions by local and regional development, international experience exchange and service modelling. The project will develop and test different methods of online employment services for young people living in sparsely populated areas. The project will develop new tools and services: online youth workshop, games that support employment, online coaching and entrepreneurship coaching.

Project results

The project results are better employment possibilities and entrepreneurial attitude of young people in sparsely populated areas. The working-life skills of youth will develop. The services provided for young people in sparsely populated areas will broaden and the participation of youth in services will become easier. The competences and expertise of professionals working with young people will grow.

The project is coordinated by Juvenia – Youth Research and Development Centre and the national project partner is Otavia (formerly Otava Folk High School).

Project publications (in english)

Contact details

Nuorisoalan tutkimus- ja kehittämisyksikkö Juvenia
Jussi Ronkainen
Head of RDI Unit