Co-funded by the EU Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment
Smart city and other sectors participating in the project's trials combined into a single image.

South Savo Data Economy Accelerator

– Shared Data as a Joint Success Factor (DAME)

The project compiles a situational analysis of the data economy in South Savo based on survey and research and implements practical trials in various sectors. Additionally, the project plans support services for the data economy for businesses and organizations in South Savo and builds a data economy value network in collaboration with regional actors.

Data is one of the most valuable raw materials of the future and a key driver of innovation


The potential of the data economy in Finland alone is estimated to be several billion euros per year. In the data economy, market participants work in a shared environment, advancing data availability, utilizing data, and creating new services and markets based on it.

Embracing the data economy in a single company can be challenging, as implementing the paradigm shift that the data economy represents requires cooperation among actors, including sharing data across organizational boundaries. The project particularly supports small and medium-sized companies that do not have the capability to manage the type of transformation represented by the data economy on their own.

The benefits derived from data increase significantly when it is utilized in a shared value network across data silos, that is, individual actors and sectors.

Advancing the data economy serves companies of various sizes and sectors, enabling data-driven collaboration between them and especially supporting growth entrepreneurship as the data economy opens up new markets. The project enhances the conditions, skills, and practical tools needed to harness the opportunities of the data economy and to grow data-driven business in the South Savo region.

Project objectives

The main objective of the project is to advance the renewal and diversification of the regional economy through new data-driven business methods. The aim is to create a reliable data-sharing environment and practices among the actors in South Savo. In this way, the project creates new operating conditions for businesses and accelerates R&D activities driven by the needs of the business community in the region.

The project supports regional companies in innovating new data-based intangible assets by implementing business- and data-driven trials. In this way, the project also enhances the capacity of especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to develop, grow, and internationalize their business as part of the European data economy.

The sub-objectives are

The key actions of the project

  • Compile the situational analysis of the data economy in South Savo
  • Practical trials will be conducted in various sectors to create data spaces and implement technology experiments for utilizing data and sharing data together with companies and other organizations
  • Based on the survey, research and trials, we will 1) plan data economy support services for companies and organizations in South Savo, 2) assemble a starter package for data spaces including guidelines and contract templates for establishing data spaces, and 3) compile a technical implementation model to support the implementation, deployment, and maintenance of data spaces
  • We will build a data economy value network formed together with regional actors 1) by connecting to national and European data economy support networks, 2) by defining the network’s strategy, operational model, and services in collaboration with stakeholders, and 3) by organizing workshops for companies and organizations

The planned trials

Trial 1

Food industry data space

Trial 2

Well-being data space

Trial 3

Cultural heritage data space

Trial 4

Circular economy data space

Trial 5

Technology data space

Trial 6

Society data space

The project results

As a result of the project, companies in South Savo have increased their understanding of the value of data, and their capability to initiate new data-driven business has improved.

The latest models and methods of the data economy are available to companies and offered at Memory Lab. Memory Lab is utilized in the development of companies’ services, products, and business operations. Companies’ abilities to identify new data-driven business opportunities and models have been strengthened through skills development and trials in the project. Organizations participating in the trials and value network have gained new knowledge and skills, enabling them to better utilize modern technologies and data resources to enhance their operations.

Project information

Project name:

South Savo Data Economy Accelerator: Shared Data as a Joint Success Factor (DAME)

Project duration: 1.6.2024–31.12.2025


Lead partner: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
Focus area: Digital economy
Research area: Information Management and archiving
Research centre: Digitalia
Impact goal: Entrepreneurship and high added value, People and user orientation


Financier and main source of funding: Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, ERDF
Total budget: 525 000 euros
EU part of the total budget: 420 000 euros
Xamk part of the total budget: 105 000 euros
Digitaalisen tiedonhallinnan tutkimuskeskus Digita
Joni Hokkanen
Project Manager
Digitaalisen tiedonhallinnan tutkimuskeskus Digita


  • Software Development
  • Data Economy
  • Data Spaces
  • Open-Source Software
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Responsibility
Iina Hyytiäinen
Software Designer
Digitaalisen tiedonhallinnan tutkimuskeskus Digita
Antti Kiviniemi
Software Designer
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Jani Saari
RDI Specialist
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Tero Ojanen
Research Engineer