Regional Council Kymenlaakso
Portal 3D printer with printed pots and a pillar in the printout

Creativity boost in costruction

robotics and 3D printing

Regional research, development and innovation (RDI) -capabilities are enhanced by developing RDI-structures for bioeconomy technologies, digital fabrication, and service design.

The project’s applied research and collaboration measures support the development of companies’ resilience to respond to changes in their operating environment and to ensure regional just green transition development.

In the Creativity boost in constrution -project a digital fabrication RDI-laboratory is created in Xamk for the purpose of developing utilisation of circular biomaterials in construction.

Research and development in digital manufacturing

Carbon-neutral or regenerative solutions promote the achievement of a carbon-neutral society, support adaptation to climate change and create the conditions for the green transition of the construction sector.

The Creativity boost in construction -project combines expertise in robotics, ecological design, building technology and the creative economy, it is possible to create a cluster of RDI activities with a unique competence base and significant innovation potential.

The project supports the promotion of the availability of locally produced raw materials by increasing knowledge of the quality requirements and applications of circular bioeconomy materials used in 3D printing.

The Creativity boost in construction -project strongly enhances the availability of RDI practices and services in digital fabriction, needed to foster sustainable innovation and business development in the green transition.

The project has an investment project attached to it. The investment project supports the pilot activities of the development project as it strengthens the RDI-equipment for materials processing, digital manufacturing (robotics) and ecodesign in South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, which will enable better education and RDI-collaboration as well as product development support based on applied research.


WP1 Identification of needs and network structures

WP2 Identification and projection of RDI trial ideas (robotics, 3D printing, ecological design, building technology)

WP3 Rapid experiments

WP4 Evaluation of best practices and areas for further development

3D printing experiments with circular bioeconomy materials

Business-oriented development projects and rapid experiments in sustainable construction and bio- and circular economy are carried out during the project.

The activities in the project are based on expertise in robotics, ecological design, and construction technology.

Through the development work and the rapid experiments involved, the multidisciplinary RDI cooperation opportunities and focus areas of digital manufacturing that are best suited to the Kymenlaakso innovation ecosystem will be identified.

Rapid experiments in applied research connected to:

  • digital fabrication
  • utilisation of locally produced biomaterials, and
  • circular economy solutions.

Portaalimallinen 3D tulostin tulostaa kartiomaista huokoista kappaletta
3D printing orange leaflike object

Planet centric design and biomimicry

The innovation process is developed to be able to respond to the needs of regional SME’s in an effective and timely manner, combining different RDI fields from material development and testing to product development and testing.

Contact information

Luovan talouden tutkimusyksikkö
Melina Maunula
Project Manager
Kulttuurin koulutusyksikkö
Ari Haapanen
Senior Lecturer
Eveliina Kuokkanen
Project Manager
Metsä, ympäristö ja energia
Matti Kilpiäinen
Project Manager

Attached investment project


Project name:

Creativity boost in construction: robotics and 3D printing

Project duration: 1.10.2024–31.3.2026


Lead partner: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences


Financier and main source of funding: The project has been co-funded by the EU by Regional Council of Kymenlaakso from the Just Transiton Fund (JTF)
Total budget: 187 485 eur
EU part of the total budget: 149 988 eur
Xamk part of the total budget: 37 497 eur
Decent work and economic growth
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Responsible consumption and production
Climate action
Peace, justice and strong institutions
Partnerships for the goals