Conscious Consumption
This project seeks to create behavioral change of European citizens towards more conscious and green consumption patterns.
Project objectives
The main goal of the project is more conscious and greener consumption habits. Project aims to ensure trustworthy information on products, and to strengthen consumer protection against commercial practices as greenwashing.
The CoCo Serious Blended Game increases the digital capacity and readiness of adult education institutions and students to move towards digital education in green subjects. The Coco project also aims to increase the digital skills and competencies of teachers and learners to take advantage of gaming by creating genuine innovative digital educational content and improving the competencies of adult educators, service providers and learners.
Project results
During the project, the following results will be designed, developed, and implemented:
Knowledge Vault
The knowledge vault is the platform which contains the knowledge base for learners and educators to learn more on sustainable consumption. The knowledge vault contains:
a) educational material
b) the print and play version of the serious game
c) the digital aspect of the serious game.
d) the e-learning content
CoCo Serious Blended Game
As the main result of the project a serious blended game will be created. The Serious Game combines two different forms: an online part and a physical part – a “phygital” game. The game focuses on three main areas: food, clothing and furniture. The game provides information and supports learning. The key aspects are:
1) how people can change their consumption patterns towards a more sustainable form
2) how different choices can help fight climate change
Facilitator’s Guide
The Facilitator’s Guide provides all the knowledge base required for a trainer to gain understanding in both the concepts of a CoCo collected in the Knowledge Vault and the use and learning elements of the Serious Game.
The guide is comprehensive and easy to use, providing practical information for the support of trainers of training activities on sustainable consumption with a special focus on socio-economic disadvantaged communities.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission from the Erasmus+ Programme under grant agreement: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000033718. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.