Ministry of Education and Culture Finland


Competences and materials for low-carbon and circular economy based construction

Xamk responds to the national and global challenges of reducing the carbon emissions of the built environment
and promotes circular economy by generating knowledge and know-how, as well as RDI concepts.

We promote circular economy in the built environment

Aim of the project

The main aim of CIRCON project is to profile Xamk in practice to become a world class RDI organisation in the sectors of low-carbon and circular economy-based construction materials, concepts and design.

The project subject is a strategic goal of Xamk as it is based on regional needs and expertise that has already been systematically developed during the recent years. With the project, Xamk’s extensive research infrastructure will be upgraded to better meet the characterization needs and thus the development of low-carbon, circular economy-based construction will be further accelerated.

In CIRCON, the extensive know-how found within Xamk will be combined into an even more impressive entity thus promoting the establishment of a significant low-carbon and circular economy based construction ecosystem in South-Eastern Finland and nationally.

Construction and the built environment have been identified nationally and globally as one of the largest
industries with a climate and environmental impact. The construction industry is one of the most
significant consumers of virgin raw materials and waste producers.


The project measures are divided to the following five activities:

  • Activity 1: Utilisation of construction and demolition waste to keep existing materials in circulation, not disposed
  • Activity 2: Development of low-carbon concrete based on recycled construction materials
  • Activity 3: Engineered wood and fiber product testing and product concepts for low carbon building cluster
  • Activity 4: Strategic Design in promoting low-carbon, circular economy based construction and project communication
  • Activity 5: Upgrading the RDI infrastructure to produce sufficiently accurate information for supporting the circular economy-based construction material RDI


Publications and articles:

  • Circular and Low Carbon Construction and Insulation Materials – A Review, Ramjee Subramanian, 2022. Teoksessa: Metsä, ympäristö ja energia: Soveltavaa tutkimusta ja tuotekehitystä. Vuosijulkaisu 2022. Xamk Kehittää 227
  • Applying strategic design in generating solutions for low-carbon and circular economy construction in multidisciplinary collaboration – findings from an innovation camp pilot, Melina Maunula & Tiiu Leirimaa, 2024, in the 12TH ANNUAL RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS RESEARCH CONFERENCE in Tampere, Finland

Further information:

Contact information

Luovan talouden tutkimusyksikkö
Melina Maunula
Project Manager
Hanna-Kaisa Koponen
Head of RDI Unit


Project name:

CIRCON – Competences and materials for low-carbon and circular economy based construction

Project duration: 1.11.2021–31.10.2024


Lead partner: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
Area of strength: Digital economy, Forest environment and energy
Competence edge: Bio-based and circular economy, Creative industries, Environmental safety and water technology, Fibre process engineering and wood construction
Research unit: Biosampo, Creative industries, Fiberlaboratory, Kymilabs
Impact edge: Entrepreneurship and high added value, Environment and sustainability, People and user orientation


Financier and main source of funding: Ministry of Education and Culture Finland
Total budget: 760 600 €