Career guidance for the work of the future
The project Career guidance for the work of the future (2019-2021) developed career counselling in the Finnish universities of applied sciences.
The project is finished.
In the project, six Finnish higher education institutions
- South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences,
- Centria University of Applied Sciences,
- Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences,
- Häme University of Applied Sciences,
- Tampere University of Applied Sciences and
- Turku University of Applied Sciences
worked for
- clearer career guidance structures, processes and models in the higher education institutions, especially in the universities of applied sciences
- stronger career guidance competence for the career counsellors and teachers in the universities of applied sciences
- stronger networks between Finnish higher education institutions and career guidance professionals
- the possibilities of AI (artificial intelligence) in the career counselling process.
Find out our results in Artificial Intelligence for Career Guidance.
More results were published in Finnish and collected in our Finnish website.
The project ended in August 2021.

Project name:
Career guidance for the work of the future
Project duration:
Lead partner:
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
Partial partners:
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Centria University of Applied Sciences, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Häme University of Applied Sciences, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Turku University of Applied Sciences
Focus area:
Sustainable wellbeing
Research centre:
Financier and main source of funding:
Pohjois-Pohjanmaan ELY ja Euroopan sosiaalirahasto
Total budget:
EUR 832 936