European Union, European Social Fund


Inclusive Employment and Active Citizenship

 To strengthen participation and social inclusion of disabled people

The project is finished.


1. To strengthen participation and social inclusion of disabled people
– recognise the obstacles in participation both in individual’s life and wider in society
– strengthen the social participation
– strengthen the membership of society as equal citizens
– discover and develop these patterns in transnational co-operation
– link the center of special support and employment services to the project

2. Atmosphere of attitudes and awareness

2.1 Individual’s awareness and personal growing
2.2 Employees working with people with disabilities getting new methods
2.3 Society
– recognise attitudes
– assist in awareness of one’s own rights
– assist to find individual’s own assets
– discover and develop models for strengthening in transnational co-operative actions


1. Citizenship, equality and participation

1.1 The Abilitator as a tool to recognize participation and welfare
– To measure individual’s own welfare and needs.
– Find actions to improve individual’s quality of life.
– To test the Abilitator as measuring tool with target group in transnational co- operation
– The center for special support and employment services start using the Abilitator
– Partner, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, FIOH has developed a tool, the Abilitator, for measuring individual’s
wellbeing, work ability and health. We have an option to develop this tool for our transnational project with disabled people.
1.2 Comparison of social security and services
– benchmarking with our transnational partners (for example self-determination)
– For example living, employment and hobbies, how are these arranged transnationally?
1.3 Increase the knowledge of the emloyers working with people with intellectual disabilities
– Education to use the Abilitator, manual etc.

2. Atmospere of attitudes and awareness

2.1 Individual
– Increasing awareness of one’s own life and rights with the Abilitator
– Assist to produce media for example video blogs, photos, videos, music
2.2 Employee
– Learns to use The Abilitator as a tool to recognize individual’s needs
– Finds the strenghts ans assets of individual with the Abilitator
– Finds the way for self-expression
– Gives possibilities for intependent self-expression.
2.3 Society
– Increasing awareness by being visible in media
– Producing content like video blog and videos in own YouTube Channel
– Keep up the national and transnational conversation


The social inclusion and wellbeig increases among the people with intellectual disabilities. They get more self
confidence and courage to use their own legal rights. They have more opportunities to live and work as equal
members of the society. Center of special support and employment services get a new tool (the Abilitator) to find out individual’s work capacity, which will increase the employment opportunities of the people with intellectual disabilities.

The employees working with people with intellectual disabilities get new methods to support their clients making their own decisions. They help their clients to find their own strengths and assets, and also how to use and benefit them.

In he society, at the national and transnational level, there’s conversation of equal rights going on. People with mental disabilities are more visible and not so abnormal anymore.

Project name:

Bridging – Inclusive Employment and Active Citizenship

Project duration: 1.1.2019–31.12.2020


Lead partner: The Center of Expertise on Social Welfare in South-East Finland, Socom
Partial partners: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
Other partners: Kymsote, international partners: Groep Maatverk (Belgium) ja Emino (Belgium)
Focus area: Sustainable wellbeing


Financier and main source of funding: Häme Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (Häme ELY Centre): European Social Fund, ESF
Total budget: EUR 324 673
Xamk part of the total budget: EUR 134 354

More information

Ann-Mari Sippu
Project manager
044 702 8466