Purifying gas and boosting plant growth by biochar
New information on the use of biochar as an aid to afforestation and biogas purification.
The project is finished.
BioGo – Purifying biogas and boosting plant growth by biochar aims to develop biochar based products (seed balls) to improve carbon sequestration and water retention capacity in soil and to boost forest growing with new methods. Product development and demonstration tests generate data about different habitats and use of different material combinations in seed balls and use of seed balls in reforestation. Project actions also improves treatment of landfill gases and biogas.
Mitigating climate change with biochar
Carbon dioxide is the most abundant greenhouse gas causing Climate Change. Carbon dioxide emissions are caused by use of fossil fuels, deforestation and industry. Use of fossil fuels produces about 75 % of the carbon dioxide emissions. Reducing the use of fossil fuels and use of carbon dioxide capture methods have been main instruments to cut the amount of carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere. The quickest solution is to capture carbon dioxide with biomass.
Reforestation is the most cost-effective way to restrain Climate Change. Capture of the greenhouse gases requires more forest areas, which means reforestation of areas less favorable for Plant Growth. This reforestation is possible to implement using biochar. Use of biochar as growth medium and in purification of gases promotes Circular Economy and Low Carbon Economy in industrial level, and in regional and international levels.
The project included the following
1) Demonstration tests with biochar based seed balls in laboratory and pilot scale
2) Pilot scale tests in biogas plants
3) Techno-economic analysis of new production methods and environmental assessment
4) Reporting and dissemination
Results of the BioGo-project can affect significally to choice of materials boosting reforestation and to successful reforestation in less favorable areas. These effects also to carbon sequestration in soil. Results of the demonstration tests give new information about the filtration effectiveness and about the affecting factors to effectiveness in treatment of landfill gases and biogas. Results of the Project promote solutions to the problems caused by the greenhouse gases and create ground to product development, which has great demand in areas suffering from deforestation like Africa, Asia and South America. The Biochar based products and Operation models developed in the Project create new business and import possibilities, and support operational preconditions of enterprises in South Savo region. Beneficiaries of the BioGo-project and project results are enterprises, research organizations, more widely forestry, and bioenergy sectors.
For further interest
- Bioli – Biohiilellä puhtaampi ympäristö ja uutta liiketoimintaa Etelä-Savoon
- VETU – Biosuodattimia metsätalouteen
- Huky – Hulevesien käsittelyn T&K-ympäristö
- Hajautettu energiantuotanto biohiilipelleteillä
BioGo – Purifying gas and boosting plant growth by biochar
More information
Niina Laurila
Project manager
040 570 9502
Hanne Soininen
Research manager
0400 869952