Co-funded by the European Union South Savo Regional Council


Bio-Humectants Based Flame Retardants for Impregnation and Coatings Treatment of Wood Substrates

The aim is to develop new, non-toxic and safe fire retardants from bio-based raw materials, especially for timber construction.

Fire retardants naturally reduce the risk of fire caused by combustible wood materials, making buildings safer

Flammability is often considered a significant drawback of wood products, and therefore, the use of wood materials in construction is strictly regulated according to EU regulations. Fire retardants naturally reduce the risk of fire caused by combustible wood materials, making buildings safer. Currently, commercially available fire retardants contain suspected harmful ingredients. Challenges in the chemical supply chain and circular economy solutions are key factors in the development of bio-based fire-retardant chemicals and formulations for wood treatment.

Currently, commercially available fire retardants contain suspected harmful ingredients.


The aim of the project is to develop concepts based on wood and bio-based raw materials for new, non-toxic, and safe fire retardants, coatings, and paints, especially for timber construction. The project includes the development, testing, investigation of the operating mechanisms as fire retardants, and optimization of surface treatment and impregnation concepts based on wood components and wood-based chemicals (microcrystalline cellulose, lignin, pulp mill by-products).

Experiences and articles

More information

Anti Rohumaa
RDI Specialist


Project name:

Bio-Humectants based flame retardants for impregnation and coating treatment of wood substrates (Biosuoja)

Project duration: 1.9.2022–30.6.2024


Lead partner: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
Partial partners: Aalto University
Area of strength: Forest environment and energy
Competence edge: Fibre process engineering and wood construction
Research unit: Fiberlaboratory


Financier and main source of funding: South Savo Regional Council, Co-funded by the European Union
Total budget: € 253 201

The project is part of a larger project entity. The main project implementer is South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences and the implementer of the sub-project is Aalto University. Xamk’s part of the total budget is € 253 201, from which the amount of EU funding is € 202 561.

Project partners