Miika Hämäläinen started as the chairman of the INGENIUM Student Advisory Board

The group consists of students from all of INGENIUM’s universities. Its main task is to represent students in high-level decisions.

– We bring the student perspective to decision-making by providing opinions on various topics. At the same time, we promote values that are important to us, which our student representatives advocate in key working groups. Our representatives also bring an international perspective to universities’ regional INGENIUM steering groups, Miika explains.

Additionally, the Student Advisory Board enhances collaboration among students, advocates for student interests, and raises awareness of INGENIUM among students.

– We also share experiences and insights on local issues to learn from each other. Our goal is to create a unified European campus that evolves with the times.

Opportunities for studying on a European Campus

Miika joined the Student Advisory Board because he wants to promote student solidarity internationally. The hope is that the future European University INGENIUM will increase student-centeredness in education, facilitate student exchanges, and expand course offerings.

INGENIUM is a joint campus formed by ten European higher education institutions, offering many opportunities for students from these institutions. For instance, they can complete part of their studies at any of these ten universities. One of the key goals of the Student Advisory Board is to ensure that completing courses at INGENIUM institutions is as seamless as possible for students.

The Student Advisory Board is still a new entity and is currently laying the foundations for its operations.

– We have big issues to solve ahead, such as defining our values and figuring out how to effectively communicate our activities to students. It would be wonderful to hear from other students about what they expect from INGENIUM collaboration! I encourage everyone to contact me, share their ideas, and ask questions – I’m happy to tell more about our activities.

More information

Xamk’s web page about European University INGENIUM

European University INGENIUM’s website 

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