Journey from Lagos to Xamk: Embracing Education in Finland

My name is Bankefa Tosin Christopher, I am from Lagos, Nigeria, and I started my study at Xamk autumn of 2021.

There are several motivations for me considering Finland as my study destination. I will mention the three principal factors:

  • The quality of education.
  • Equality between teachers and students.
  • A peaceful and lovely environment.

A Blend of Language, Digital and Business

I chose the Digital International Business degree program at Xamk because Xamk offers courses in the English language, and the combination of digital and business interests me. Meanwhile, studying at the University of Applied Sciences was good because the teaching method combines theory with practice. However, I am not surprised because I had a degree at an equivalent level of education in Nigeria.

Highlights of Studies

The best and most interesting parts of my studies are the mystery shopping tasks and the thesis writing processes. Even though I would say I am not 100% satisfied with the teaching method, maybe because of my educational background.

About the Management Accounting course, I was surprised that throughout the course, we were just playing the real game. This was different from what I knew the management accounting course to be. Perhaps this is due to the more advanced teaching approach in Finland, in my opinion, where the quality of education surpasses that of Nigeria. However, the practical orientation was a perfect idea, as I mentioned earlier.

The Xamk students’ support system, especially in terms of advice and guidance, was also really good, in my opinion. The degree study coordinator was absolutely at the top of this. He always provides necessary information when needed. Moreover, the Office of Students’ Affairs has been quite effective. They are always available to provide the necessary information.

Navigating the Educational Landscape

Until now, I have always been uncertain about the future. I never wanted to take any financial risk at all. But this degree has given me the courage that I need to be an entrepreneur, and I hope one day I will have my own transport and logistics company. My plan for the future is that I want to work for a while to save enough money and then establish a transport and logistics company in Nigeria, which will be an additional source of income for me.

As regards the employment situation in my field, surely, there are a lot of job opportunities in the field, but to be able to tap into one here in Finland, then, I need extra work to do. Namely, I need to learn the Finnish language.

Recommending the Digital International Business Program

I highly recommend the Digital International Business degree program to all prospective Nigerian students and anyone interested in studying in this field due to its numerous job opportunities and high-quality education. A graduate from the field can work in any organization because of their knowledge of business principles and the ability to apply their knowledge to make better sales and better deals both locally and internationally.

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