Co-funded by the European Union
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Innovation competition: Case KSS Energy 2024

Join online to innovate solutions for cultural sustainability in green transition and energy!

Event name:

Innovation competition: Case KSS Energy 2024

Event date: 4.11.2024, 12.30–2.12.2024, 16.00




education regional development

If you want to make an impact, join an innovation workshop where new ideas are innovated in groups, and where even wild ideas are welcome!

KSS Energy innovation competition was piloted in autumn 2023. Due to its success, we are happy to announce the second edition of the competition! Innovation competition takes place Nov 4th – Dec 2nd, and it’s arranged online. This years theme is cultural sustainability.

Interested? Come and ponder solutions to the following questions:

  • What would cultural sustainability look like in energy market and consumption?
  • What should a cultural change for the green transition look like? What would that entail regarding human capital?
  • What could be the needed solutions utilizing active design in cities and rural areas?
  • Could there be a set of circular models and processes in the field of energy production and consumption between industrial actors and citizens?
  • How social responsibility and diversity can be uplifted, and community spirit generated in creating a greener and happier future?

Would you like to participate? You can register by yourself, with another student or as a team of three. Groups of three will be created from solo and duo enrollments. We welcome students from Xamk and LUT University. Scroll down for more info!

What – How – When?

Working Method

On November 4th, there will be a joint kick-off on Teams, after which the groups will continue working independently.

Guidance and mentoring are available throughout the entire workshop.

The work is designed to take place alongside other studies, forming a 2 ECTS course on its own.


From those who have registered, groups of 3 members will be formed.

Student from all study programs are welcome to participate.

Previous experience of the topic or with workshop work is not required.

You may register alone, with a friend or as a group of three.


The winners will be chosen on December 2nd.

Three groups will be rewarded based on idea presentations on 2.12.2024 as follows:

1st place: 1200 eur

2nd place: 800 eur

3rd place: 600 eur

The amount will be divided among the group members.

Idea rights

By participating in the competition, the participant hereby agrees that any idea submitted for the competition, as well as any product or service that may be developed based on it, including all technical and commercial rights associated with such product or service, shall become the property of KSS Energia Oy.


4.11. at 12:30-15:30 | Kick-off, Tips and methods for ideation (Teams)

18./19.11. afternoon | Sparring from KSS Energy (Teams)

22.11. at 14-15 | Guiding session on conseptualizing (Teams)

25.11. at 14-15 | Guiding session on pitching and preparation for the presentations (Teams)

2.12. at 12-16  | Presentations and declaring winners (Kohoa Synergy Center, Kouvola or Teams)

Register by 2.11.2024

More information: Melina Maunula,, Idea Refinery Project Manager

Competition is arranged by Idea Refinery Kymenlaakso and Vihreä loikka – Kestävyydestä kilpailukykyä projects from Xamk’s Creative Industry Research Unit in co-operation with KSS Energy.

Idea refinery and Vihreä loikka projects have been co-funded by the EU by Regional Council of Kymenlaakso.