Find bachelor’s degree programmes

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Students watching laptop.
Bachelor's degree

Bachelor of Business Administration, Digital International Business

Bachelor's degree
Kouvola, Online

Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Game Design

Students working in a laboratory.
Bachelor's degree

Bachelor of Engineering, Bioproduct Technology

Civil Engineers Improve Infrastructure Sustainability Using Smart Construction Management Solution. A civil engineer working in a suspension bridge construction to check the durability of a cable-stayed bridge by using smart construction field software.
Bachelor's degree

Bachelor of Engineering, Efficient Supply Chain Management

Students and computers in the classroom.
Bachelor's degree

Bachelor of Engineering, Game Technologies

Two male students discussing with each other.
Bachelor's degree

Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology

Opiskelijoita keskustelemassa ja kuvassa taustalla piirrettyjä malleja ympäristöön liittyvistä ratkaisumalleista.
Bachelor's degree

Bachelor of Engineering, Water Technology and Sustainability

Bachelor's degree
Kotka, Mikkeli, Savonlinna

Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing

Bachelor's degree

Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing (Top up)


Rolling admission, Nursing Top up Degree 18.11.2024-19.2.2025