For international talents in Finland

This is a page for you who have moved to Finland from abroad and are looking for educational opportunities. Whether you are looking for a new degree, or you want to study to smoothly enter the Finnish working life, we are here to support you on your journey.

Step inside and explore the opportunities we offer!

We focus on responsible wellbeing, technology, and creative industries

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Searching for a new degree?

Searching for a new degree?

If you want to get a new degree you can first for example study on the Find your own field of study courses in Finnish, apply to the higher education preparatory programme for immigrants in Finnish, enroll to the path studies or apply straight to our degree programmes.

ihmiset katsovat tietokonetta

Want to improve your skills and competence?

Want to improve your skills and competence?

If your goal is just to acquire new skills and competences instead of a whole degree, we have many opportunities for that. Get to know, for example, Finnish language and culture and entrepreneurship studies.

New degree

Find your own field of study courses in Finnish

Find your own field of study courses in Finnish

If you are still wondering which field of study might suit you, with the Find your own field of study courses, you will learn, among other things, to identify your own strengths and interests in the field, and to assess the suitability of the field for you. These studies are in Finnish and called “Löydä oma alasi”. Click the link, scroll down on the page and you will see the courses.

Higher education preparatory program for immigrants in Finnish

Higher education preparatory program for immigrants in Finnish

The program is intended for immigrants whose goal is to apply for studies in various fields at the Finnish higher educational institutions. The studies are in Finnish.



In Xamk there are 44 Bachelor’s programmes, five of which are conducted in English. There are 29 Master’s Degree programmes – three of them are conducted in English.

New skills and competences

Finnish language and culture

Finnish language and culture

If you live in Finland and want to improve your Finnish language skills or get to know the Finnish culture better check our courses!  Click the link, scroll down on the page and you will see our course offering in these topics.

Individual expertise routes in Finnish

Individual expertise routes in Finnish

Xamk Pulse expertise routes are designed to support your success regardless of industry. We offer a diverse selection of courses, which allow you to use the latest information and the lessons of experts.  Choose all or choose the options that best support your skills! These studies are in Finnish.

Introduction to video games creation, 35 ects cr Ihmiset ovat kerääntyneet pelititokoneen ääreen

Introduction to video games creation, 35 ects cr

97 % of the course participants are willing to recommend our online course on Introduction to Video Games Creation! The course is free of charge!

More possibilities and information

Facts about Finland

Here you can find facts about Finland, the Finnish culture and the Finnish education system

Live to learn.

Do you want to update, expand or deepen your expertise? With Xamk Pulse learning happens your way. Whether you are interested in an individual course or more extensive studies, you can pick and choose from a wide variety of courses offered by Pulse.

Edufication micro courses

We offer Micro Courses made in-house and by our partners on various exciting topics, ranging from climate change, to personal development, and everything in-between.