Separate application

Upcoming application period

Supplementary application


Supplementary application

Application on the basis of Open UAS studies

Transfer application

Change of campus or degree programme within Xamk

Renewed right to study

Separate applications to degree programmes in English

Application for double degree programmes

Application from exchange to degree studies

Supplementary application

If all study places are not filled during the primary application round (joint or separate applications), a secondary application round may be organised. 

If a supplementary application is needed, it takes place for Xamk degree programmes as follows:

  • at the beginning of August (study places available after spring applications)
  • at the beginning of December (study places available after autumn applications).

At Xamk, students in supplementary applications are selected primarily by the admission criteria used in joint application. Certificate-based selection is however not used in supplementary application.

Application on the basis of Open UAS studies

Application periods:

  • 1-15 May for studies beginning in the autumn semester
  • 1-15 October for studies beginning in January

The application form in application based on Open UAS studies is submitted on Studyinfo service.

The applicant can apply to degree studies at Xamk after having completed the required amount of Open path studies in an Open University of Applied Sciences in Finland (generally first year studies in the same degree programme). The credits must be completed by the end of the ongoing semester (31 July or 31 December).

The required credit amount is as follows:

  • 50 credits of bachelor level studies or
  • 15 credits of master level studies (path for the degree of 60 credits)
  • 30 credits of master level studies (path for the degree of 90 credits).

The application can be submitted even if the required credit amount is not yet recorded in the study register. The studies must, however, be completed (exams done, tasks submitted) as follows:

  • May application: by 31 July, the study records are checked by 15 August
  • October application: by 31 December, the study records are checked by 15 January

If the required credit amount is not in the study register at the time of applying, the admission is conditional. If the requirement is not met by the time of the check-up, the admission is withdrawn.

When applying for a master’s degree programme, the applicant must in addition meet the general eligibility requirement for the studies (suitable higher education degree and a minimum of 2 years’ of work experience after completing the degree).

The Studyinfo and Xamk websites provide programme-specific information on:

  • the admission criteria: in which degree programme the applicant must have completed the Open studies in to qualify for admission (generally in the same degree programme, the suitability of the completed studies for the target degree is checked)
  • on what grounds the students are selected:
    • the amount of completed credits and the average grade or
    • an interview/entrance examination or
    • both of the before mentioned selection methods.
    • If needed, the applicant’s language skills can be tested.

After the application period:

  • Admission Services delivers information on the applicants by email to the Director of Education and the Programme Coordinator.
  • The degree programme contacts the applicant in order to arrange an interview/entrance examination, if needed.
  • The degree programme writes the statement and admission decision on the applicant’s application form on Studyinfo before mid-June/November.
  • Admission Services announce the admission results to applicants by 15 June/15 December.
  • The study right is transferred from the beginning of the next semester.
  • The admission is conditional if the required credit amount is not recorded in the study register at the time of applying.

Degree programmes included in the application can be found on Studyinfo service (link to filtered search results): Select the degree programme > choose the right programme under “Offered study programmes” > Admission criteria and a link to the application form can be found under “Study programmes available for application, Separate application”.


Transfer application

Application periods:

  • 1-15 May for studies beginning in autumn semester
  • 1-15 November for studies beginning in January

The application form in transfer application is submitted on Studyinfo service.

The transfer application can be used when the applicant wants to

  • transfer to Xamk from another higher education institution in Finland
  • change the degree programme within Xamk so that the title of the target degree or the field of study changes.

The main principles for transfer application are:

  • The completed studies are suitable for the new degree. The admission criteria define, in which degree programme the applicant must currently be studying in to qualify for a transfer.
  • The applicant has been registered as an attending student for at least one semester.
  • The applicant has succeeded in the previous studies target-orientedly and has enough study time left for completing the new degree.
  • There are at least 25 completed credits on the applicant’s study record. Only credits completed by the end of the application period are considered. (The credit requirement does not apply to Master’s programmes. 
  • The programme the applicant wants to transfer to has enough study places and other resources for admitting a transfer student.

The Studyinfo and Xamk websites provide programme-specific information on:

  • the admission criteria: in which degree programme the applicant must currently be studying in to qualify for a transfer (the suitability of the completed studies for the target degree is checked)
  • on what grounds the transfer students are selected:
    • the amount of completed credits and the average grade or
    • an interview/entrance examination/portfolio or
    • both of the before mentioned selection methods.
    • If needed, the applicant’s language skills can be tested.

After the application period:

  • Admission Services delivers information on the applicants by email to the Director of Education and the Programme Coordinator.
  • The degree programme contacts the applicant in order to arrange an interview/entrance examination, if needed.
  • The degree programme writes the statement and admission decision on the applicant’s application form on Studyinfo before mid-June/December.
  • Admission Services announce the admission results to applicants by 15 June/15 December.
  • The study right is transferred from the beginning of the next semester.

Transfer application on Xamk website – in Finnish

Degree programmes included in the transfer application can be found on Studyinfo service (link to filtered search results): Select the degree programme > choose the right programme under “Offered study programmes” > Admission criteria and a link to the application form can be found under “Study programmes available for application, Separate application”.

Change of campus or degree programme within Xamk

Application periods:

  • 1-15 May for studies beginning in the autumn semester
  • 1-15 November for studies beginning in January

The student applying for a change of programme wants to

  • transfer to one degree programme to another within Xamk so that the title of the target degree remains the same
  • transfer from one Xamk campus to another in the same degree programme.

The main principles for change of campus or degree programme within Xamk are the same as in the transfer application.

The application is submitted and processed electronically on E-lomake system. The application is delivered to the Programme Coordinator for a statement and to the Director of Education for decision-making. The Student and Admission Services notify the applicant of the admission result.

Instructions and the application form on Lux – in Finnish

Renewed right to study

Rolling admission procedure applies to the renewed right to study.

The number of credits missing from the degree at the time of applying must not exceed the amount corresponding to one year of studies (appr. 60 cr). There is no credit amount requirement for Master’s degree programmes. The maximum period of renewed right to study is three semesters.

Renewed right to study – Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu (

The application is submitted and processed electronically on E-lomake system. The application is delivered to the Programme Coordinator for a statement and to the Director of Education for decision-making. The Student and Admission Services notify the applicant of the admission result.

Separate applications to degree programmes in English

In addition to Joint applications, students for degree programmes in English can be recruited through separate applications. In these applications, students are selected to the same study groups in the separate and joint application, and the study places are divided between the two applications. The application period in these applications can be fixed (Direct application) or the study places can be filled through rolling admission.

This kind of separate applications are used at Xamk for selecting students to degree programmes in English, beginning in year 2025 or later.

Application for double degree programmes

Application periods:

  • 1 April-15 May for studies beginning in autumn semester
  • 15 September-1 November for studies beginning in January

A double degree comprises studies that the student has completed at their own/sending institution for 2-3 years and the receiving partner institution for 1-2 years. The double degree is based on bilateral agreement with the higher education institution abroad. The studies, internship, language skills requirements, the time frame and the extent of studies and practices related to the completion of the double degree are mentioned in the agreement.

The application is organized in cooperation between the degree programmes and the International Services. The application system used is SoleMove. 

Exchange studies – Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu (

Application from exchange to degree studies

Application periods:

  • 1 April-15 May for studies beginning in autumn semester
  • 15 September-1 November for studies beginning in January

An exchange student at Xamk can apply for a degree programme according to the requirements for it. The student interested in the possibility first discusses the suitability of their prior studies to the degree at Xamk with the Programme or Studies Coordinator. If the degree programme agrees that the student can apply for the degree programme, the student contacts Admission Services for further instructions on applying.

The right to study as a degree student begins either 1 August (spring application) or 1 January (autumn application). The start of the student’s education as a degree student begins only after the exchange programme has finished.

The application is submitted and processed electronically on E-lomake system. The application is delivered to the Programme Coordinator for a statement and to the Director of Education for decision-making. The Admission Services notify the applicant of the admission result.

Application for the higher education preparatory program for immigrants

When necessary, an application is also organised for the Higher education preparatory program for immigrants. This program does not lead to a degree but is meant for immigrants who aim to apply for degree studies in a Finnish university of applied sciences or university. The program is conducted in Finnish language. Further information is available on Xamk website in Finnish.

Contact Admission Services

Xamk’s Admissions Services primarily assists with matters related to applying for degree studies. You can contact us by phone or through our online form.

Phone service in July:

  • Mon-Fri 10.00-13.00

Degree education in Finnish:

  • 044 702 8891 
  • 040 585 6610

Degree education in English:

  • 040 585 6610

Contact request via online form: