Video surveillance
This privacy notice concerns information about the processing of personal data of camera surveillance systems owned and operated by the University of Applied Sciences of South-Eastern Finland.
Updated 16.5.2024
This document is based on the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regarding the information to be provided to data subjects, in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the Regulation.
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 68 (Patteristonkatu 3)
50101 Mikkeli
Business ID: 2472908-2
Person responsible for the register
Sampo Saarivirta, Head of Preparedness and Security
050 452 6362
Data Protection Officer
Pekka Uotila, Manager
050 312 5087
The purpose of camera surveillance is to prevent crime against the property, staff, students and customers, and to assist in the investigation of damage and crime.
The legal basis for the processing of personal data is Article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation: legitimate interest.
The camera surveillance system processes image recordings from surveillance cameras, which contain information on where and when the image recording was made.
Some cameras record continuously and others start recording when movement is detected in the area.
The recordings are not used for profiling purposes.
The data will not be transferred outside the EU or EEA.
The shelf life of the material is a few weeks. The data is stored until the disk space on the recorder fills up, at which point the new recordings automatically delete the old ones. For special reasons, such as a pending or investigated criminal case, recordings may be kept for a longer period.
The data are stored in computer systems with physical storage devices located in a locked and controlled area. Users have personal user IDs. Access to and use of the data in the system is restricted to those persons whose job entitles them to do so. Such access is granted to employees whose duties include the prevention of crime against the premises, staff, students and customers, and the investigation of damage and crime.
You (e.g. student, employee, customer) have the right to know how we process your personal data.
However, to ensure data integrity and operational security, the UAS will not modify or correct the CCTV footage during the retention period of the recordings, i.e. the data subject cannot request the correction, deletion or supplementation of the CCTV footage. Furthermore, the data subject cannot restrict or prohibit the processing of the CCTV footage concerning him or her.
Please note that camera surveillance is part of personal and premises security and that the data and logs contained therein constitute confidential information (Act on the Publicity of Public Authority Activities, Section 24(7)). The information is only disclosed to the police as preliminary investigation material in the case of suspected misuse or criminal offences in order to carry out internal security surveillance of the UAS.
The data subject may, however, come in person to the premises of the registrar to inspect the record concerning him or her, provided that the data subject can be reliably identified from the record at the time of the request for inspection.
The data subject may not request the transfer of his or her personal data from one system to another.
In matters of data protection, the data subject is invited to contact the Data Protection Officer and, in matters relating to the CCTV system, the person responsible for the recorder.