Student counseling services
This privacy notice concerns the personal data processed in the services of the educational psychologists of the University of Applied Sciences of South-Eastern Finland.
Updated 5.3.2024
This document is based on the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regarding the information to be provided to data subjects, in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the Regulation.
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 68 (Patteristonkatu 3)
50101 Mikkeli
Business ID: 2472908-2
Contact person for matters concerning the register
Karoliina Peltola, Educational psychologist
050 464 4014
Data Protection Officer
Pekka Uotila, Manager
050 312 5087
On the basis of the legislation on health professionals, for the private use of the controller in connection with the services of an educational psychologist.
The processing is based on the EU General Data Protection Regulation. EU GDPR, Article 6(1)(a) to (f): compliance with a legal obligation of the controller.
Act on Health Care Professionals (559/1994), Chapter 3 General Obligations of Health Care Professionals, Act on the Status and Rights of Patients (785/1992), Article 12 (653/2000), Decree of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health on patient records (94/2022).
For the processing of special categories of personal data, also the EU General Data Protection Regulation, Article 9(a) to (j): preventive healthcare purposes.
Always processed: name, personal identification number and contact details, outline of the content of the counselling visits.
If necessary: guidance forms, referrals, records of examinations.
From the registrant himself. With the consent of the data subject, the data may be requested for disclosure elsewhere.
The data subject’s consent will be sought at the time of the appointment and/or the first counselling visit.
As a general rule, the data will not be disclosed. With the consent of the data subject, the data may be disclosed, if necessary, for example to healthcare providers.
The data will not be transferred by the controller outside the EU or EEA.
The data is kept for the minimum period of time specified in the Patient File Regulation of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. As a general rule, the retention period is 12 years after the death of the client or 120 years after the birth of the client if the date of death is not known.
Data processed electronically are stored in the patient information system. Access to and use of the system is restricted to those persons whose job entitles them to do so.
Data generated before 1.8.2019 are stored in the main archive of the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences at the Mikkeli campus (South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Patteristonkatu 3, 50100 Mikkeli). Only those persons who are entitled to access and use the data in the archive for their work are allowed to do so.
As a general rule, the data subject has the right to inspect the data concerning him or her from the controller.
The data subject has the right to request the controller to correct inaccurate information concerning him or her.
The data subject may address all requests relating to this processing to the contact person mentioned above.