This privacy notice applies to the marketing register of the University of Applied Sciences of South-Eastern Finland when the processing is aimed at improving the customer experience, including the sale of services and the implementation of cooperation projects, as well as marketing and information.
Updated 18.5.2021
This document is based on the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regarding the information to be provided to data subjects, in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the Regulation.
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 68 (Patteristonkatu 3)
50101 Mikkeli
Business ID: 2472908-2
Markkinointi ja viestintä -tietoryhmän vastuuhenkilö
Tiivi Pukkila-Nupponen, Communications and Marketing Manager
040 521 1809
Data Protection Officer
Pekka Uotila, Manager
050 312 5087
The purpose of processing personal data is to improve the customer experience, including the sale of services and the implementation of cooperation projects, marketing and information.
Marketing and cookies. We collect and process information when you visit our website or other digital platforms. We may also use cookies in our services.
Personalisation of services. We want to continually improve our communications and make our services more relevant and timely. Therefore, we may provide personalised content based on individual website visits. For example, we may provide you with educational news of interest to you. We also use your data for other purposes within the framework of data protection legislation, such as product development, needs-based customisation of our services and personalised advertising.
Marketing targeting. We and our advertising partners use the information to create personalised advertisements that may be displayed on other providers’ websites and apps, for example. To do this, we and our advertising partners use technologies that are commonly used in the marketplace, within the framework of data protection legislation. This enables us to target our advertising and to bring content that may be of interest to a potential student, for example.
Events and events. The personal data provided in connection with events and occasions will be used for the management of the event. Contact information is used to send event-related messages and information and to inform you about upcoming events in the same field.
Competitions and prize draws. The personal data provided in connection with competitions and prize draws will be used on a case-by-case basis to run the competition and prize draw.
Restaurant services. Xamk’s website collects personal data through the restaurant services contact form. The data is used to prepare and send customer offers for meeting and restaurant services to customers in accordance with the requests for offers.
Targeting the marketing of open universities of applied sciences to potential students. Education marketing is carried out through paid media campaigns, keyword advertising, dedicated social media channels, tabloids and newsletters. The personal data requested at the time of enrolment will be used for student administration and billing purposes. The personal data is not used directly for marketing the training, but is used to target marketing. Students can submit training requests via the “Suggest new training” form and customers interested in continuing education can submit a contact request via the “Contact for continuing education” form. The information on the contact forms is not stored for future reference. Students may also subscribe and unsubscribe at any time via the link in the newsletter.
The processing of personal data is based on the purposes for which the personal data are processed and the consent of the data subject.
- For the purposes of the controller’s or third party’s legitimate interests (Article 6.1f), when processing data for the management and development of the business and when processing data of potential customers.
- Also, for participants in the events organised, the processing of personal data is based on the consent (Article 6.1a) given by the data subjects when registering for the event.
- Otherwise, the processing of personal data in the register is based on a material connection or the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party (Article 6.1(b)), e.g. filming permits.
The above-mentioned legitimate interest of the controller may exist, for example, where there is a relevant and appropriate relationship between the data subject and the controller, which arises when the data subject has a relationship with the controller related to the purpose of the processing and when the processing is carried out for purposes which the data subject could reasonably have expected at the time and in the context of the collection of the personal data. Personal data are stored at this stage in order to communicate with the potential customer.
- Name of person
- Phone number
- E-mail address
- Postal address
- The title of the person’s position and the workplace or organisation they represent in a role other than as an employee.
When entering the prize draw:
- name, email, phone number, postal address
When registering for events:
- depending on the event, e.g. name and contact details
Newsletter subscribers:
- when you unsubscribe from a newsletter, it is not a cancellation of your marketing authorisation
Stakeholder newsletters:
- information collected from public sources, e.g. on decision-makers
- name, title, organisation, postal address, e-mail address
Study counsellors:
- what kind of cooperation has taken place
Permission to film:
name and signature only
- if you want more information you can leave your name and email address
Contact form for restaurant services:
- contact details of the subscriber, i.e. name and email, if you wish you can leave a phone number
Contact forms for Open University of Applied Sciences and Continuing Education:
- contact person, organisation, e-mail, phone number
Open University of Applied Sciences student interview form:
contact details, educational and professional background, consent to an image use agreement.
No information from the register is disclosed to other parties.
No data from the register will be transferred outside the EU or EEA.
Henkilötietoja säilytetään niin kauan, kun niiden käyttötarve on edelleen olemassa. Asiakirjoja ja rekistereitä säilytetään Xamkin tiedonohjaussuunnitelman mukaisesti ja tiedoille on määritelty säilytysajat.
Mikäli rekisteröity pyytää poistamaan itseään koskevat henkilötiedot, ne poistetaan rekisteristä. Mikäli henkilö peruu suostumuksensa tietojensa käyttämiseen tietyssä tarkoituksessa, tämä merkitään järjestelmään kyseisen henkilön tietoihin.
Personal data will be kept for as long as the need for their use continues to exist. Documents and registers are kept in accordance with Xamk’s data management plan and retention periods are defined.
If the data subject requests the deletion of personal data concerning him or her, the data will be deleted from the register. If a person withdraws his or her consent to the use of his or her data for a specific purpose, this will be recorded in the system in the data of that person.
Right of access to personal data. The data subject may request information about him or herself. The request must be made in writing to the Data Protection Officer or by using the online form (available at: www.xamk.fi/tietosuojailmoitus). In the request, the data subject must specify which data are concerned.
Right to rectification. The data subject may submit a request for rectification of his/her data to the Data Protection Officer. The controller will also update the personal data contained in its customer and stakeholder register on its own initiative whenever a processor acting on behalf of the controller receives information about them, either from the data subject or from public sources.
Right to erasure. The data subject may object in writing or orally to the use of his or her personal data for Xamk’s marketing and information purposes. This prohibition will be recorded in the register. The data subject may also request the deletion of personal data concerning him or her from the customer and stakeholder register. The data will be deleted if the University of Applied Sciences of South-Eastern Finland has no legal reason to retain the data, for example to fulfil a contractual obligation or to carry out teaching or IT work.
Right to restriction of processing. The data subject has the right to restriction of processing if one of the following occurs:
- If the data subject contests the accuracy of the personal data, processing is limited to a period of time during which the controller can verify the accuracy of the data.
- The processing is unlawful and the data subject objects to the erasure of the personal data and requests instead the restriction of their use
- The controller no longer needs the personal data concerned for the purposes of the processing, but the data subject needs them for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims
- The data subject has objected to the processing of personal data under Article 21 pending verification whether the legitimate grounds of the controller override those of the data subject.
The right to transfer data from one system to another. The data subject has the right to receive in machine-readable form the personal data concerning him or her which he or she has provided to the controller, provided that the processing is based on consent and is carried out automatically.
Information on the right to withdraw consent at any time (If processing is based on consent). Where the processing of personal data is based on consent (e.g. participants in events), the data subject may withdraw his or her consent by notifying the Data Protection Officer in writing.
The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, every data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State where he or she has his or her habitual residence or place of work or where the alleged breach has occurred, if the data subject considers that the processing of personal data concerning him or her infringes this Regulation. The complaint should be addressed to the EDPS. www.tietosuoja.fi