Contact us
Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu
PL 68 (Patteristonkatu 3 D)
50101 Mikkeli
Business ID: 2472908-2
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Metsola campus until 1.9.2024:
Pääskysentie 1
48220 Kotka
New campus from 26.8.2024:
Salakuljettajantie 4
48100 Kotka
Campusinfo: +358 44 702 8414
Patteristonkatu 3
50100 Mikkeli
Campusinfo: +358 40 647 4456
Paraatikenttä 7
45100 Kouvola
Campusinfo: +358 50 434 3728
Savonniemenkatu 6
57100 Savonlinna
Campusinfo: +358 40 594 3961
Billing address
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences Ltd
Business ID: 2472908-2
VAT number: FI24729082
Electronic invoices (primary)
We primarily accept e-invoices at the address
Electronic invoicing address: TE003724729082
Operator: TietoEVRY Oyj
Operator’s ID: 003701011385
Paper invoices
If e-invoicing or email invoicing is not possible, paper invoices can be sent to the address
Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy
PL 10
Email invoices
Invoices can also be submitted as email attachments to: tieto_pl0010@xbs-salo.com
- The invoice must be in PDF format.
- One email message may contain only one PDF file, with the invoice image on the first page and any attachments on subsequent pages combined into the same PDF file.
- The invoice details must not have a colored background, as scanning is black and white.
- The PDF file must not be locked or password protected.
- In the email message field “Recipient/To”, only the address tieto_pl0010@xbs-salo.com should be included. Any other necessary email addresses should be included in the “Copy/Cc” field.
- The email address is intended solely for invoices.
Xamk Pulse – Open UAS
We primarily serve via email or phone.
If you wish to visit us in person, our offices are open on Wednesdays from 9 am to 3 pm at all Xamk campuses (Kotka, Kouvola, Mikkeli, Savonlinna). If you wish to visit us at another time, please contact us first at avoinamk@xamk.fi. We aim to respond to emails within 3 business days.
If you have any questions regarding enrollment, student IDs, tuition fees, study certificates, or other study practices, you can find more information on our website. If you cannot find the answer, please contact our education assistants. We are happy to assist you with any study-related questions!
If you need help and guidance with planning and choosing your studies, you can book a 30-minute guidance appointment with the education coordinator specific to your field of study. Guidance sessions are conducted via Teams.
Our services
- Open UAS studies
- Path studies
- Pathway studies
- Higher education diplomas
- Skills training
Email: avoinamk@xamk.fi
Admission Services
Degree studies and application
Finnish-language degree education
- 044 702 8891 ja 040 585 6610
- hakijapalvelut@xamk.fi
English-language degree education
- 040 585 6610
- admissions@xamk.fi
We serve on weekdays from Monday to Friday between 9 am and 3 pm.
Visiting addresses
If you wish to visit the Admission Services office, please book an appointment in advance.
Paraatikenttä 7, 45100 Kouvola (room 128)
Patteristonkatu 3, 50100 Mikkeli (room X116)
Are you already studying at Xamk?
Degree students who are already studying at Xamk are served at the campus student affairs offices. Please send your message to the student affairs office via Xinfo.
Student office
Service hours
Student affairs offices are closed 23.-27.12.2024
We work remotely 28.12.2024-6.1.2025
Service hours:
Monday to Friday from 9 am to 3 pm.
Please note: On Tuesdays, we are closed from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm (weekly meeting).
Our online services are available 24/7: xinfo
Contact your study service advisor or send a message to the student office via the Xinfo service (login is not required).
Personal email addresses are in the format firstname.lastname@xamk.fi.
Note: If your matter concerns studying in the Open UAS, please contact avoinamk@xamk.fi.
Feedback to Xamk
You can provide feedback to Xamk via this form