Personalised, practical education programme for leadership professionals

Ulrika Silversabel, XaMBA Programme Director

“We don’t offer the same content to all participants, but instead, we work with you to customise the activities so that they can help you achieve your own professional goals.”

The education programme suits different industries because our professionals personalise the content to your needs and goals.

In the name XaMBA, the first letter ‘a’ stands for “Applied,” referring to our fully customisablepractical approach.

During the programme, you can apply the theories and tools you learn and advance your organisation’s business objectives in your daily work.

The programme is implemented primarily online, but there are also some contact teaching days. Once you have finished the programme, you will receive a certificate of completion granted by the South-Eastern University of Applied Sciences.

The programme is taught in English, and you should have a good grasp of written and spoken English. The programme instructors are Finnish-speaking professionals.

  • The programme is suitable for you if:
    • You are interested in developing international business using the latest methods, and internationalisation is relevant to your company or organisation.
    • You are considering further education to update your management skills.
    • You are considering bringing in external support, such as consultants, to innovate your company’s operations and implement the proper change measures.
    • You want personalised training tailored to you and your company’s needs.
    • You want to study flexibly – these are blended studies.
    • Aimed at people from both private companies and public organisations.
    • Managers and entrepreneurs with business experience.
    • Previous university studies/bachelor’s or master’s degree from a university of applied sciences is recommended but not mandatory.

Do you want to map out what personal needs you could develop in the programme or what results you could expect? Send us a message, and we’ll get in touch!