Xamk Applied MBA

Customised and unique

Harness your potential and take your business to a new level with XAMBA

XAMBA is a fully customised Executive MBA program designed for experienced leaders, where you learn from top experts within the Cambridge network while simultaneously developing your company’s operations.

Join the most enriching customised Education Program of 2024 and network internationally!

Are you a manager working to accomplish your company’s or organisation’s internationalisation or development objectives?

Take your career to the next level with our comprehensive and innovative XaMBA program. Designed for ambitious professionals, our program offers:

  • World-class faculty: Learn from industry leaders and esteemed academics.
  • Global recognition: Benefit from our internationally acclaimed curriculum.
  • Tailored learning: Personalise your learning experience to align with your career goals.

Xamk Applied MBA, XaMBA, is an international executive education programme for company managers. XAMBA strengthens your professional competence and helps you build an international network and lead your company’s development projects from start to finish with the help of seasoned professionals.

XaMBA suits you perfectly, if you are a middle- or higher level key person in a public or private organisation. What matters most is that you are willing to invest in redesigning your business, become more competent in responding to fluctuating market situations, and perhaps grow your business through internationalisation.

The programme is customised entirely according to your needs and goals, so that they advance concrete development projects. The study modules comprise of contemporary and relevant topics, which will studied from the perspective of you organisation. The studies can easily be done on side of a full-time job.

During the XaMBA education program, you will learn directly from professionals who represent one of the world’s most respected ecosystems of science, arts, and business – Cambridge. Teachers and study materials are selected tailored to the participant’s needs to ensure the maximum practical benefit from the studies. This programme will take lessons learnt into your everyday business.


Join us in Cambridge to build personal international networks and learn in an environment buzzing with some of the most respected veterans, innovators, future talents, and startup entrepreneurs in the business world.

XaMBA educators

During the XaMBA programme you get to learn from professionals who are part of the world’s most esteemed ecosystem of science, art, and business in Cambridge, United Kingdom.

What is XaMBA

XaMBA is a top-tier, fully customised executive MBA program where you leverage the expertise of Cambridge professionals and international networks. This practical and time-efficient program gives you a competitive edge to develop your company’s operations effectively.

For leaders

XaMBA is designed for you if you are in middle or senior management and want to internationalise your company’s operations, update your leadership skills, or seek the support of top experts in business development.

Benefits of the programme

You will gain perspectives and tools from top professionals for your own development activities. You will enhance your ability to analyze, organize, and implement the changes you aim for in your organization. At the same time, you will learn to evaluate and report progress using the right metrics. XaMBA is a unique development program, offering hands-on studies customised entirely to your needs.

XaMBA content and schedule

The next programme starts in Autumn 2024. The studies consist of eight modules and it lasts for 15–18 months. Additionally you have the opportunity to join the inspirational Cambridge weeks.


Frequently asked questions

The next programme starts in Autumn 2024!

* Prices do not include accommodation or travel costs. The price shown for the Cambridge week is for XaMBA students. The price for others €4,990 (+VAT)

Group size: min 20 – max 40 participants. We reserve the right to make changes.

Programme modules

Module 1: Strategy and Leadership,  2 September  13 December 2024

In this module, we critically explore and evaluate historical and modern approaches to leadership from a strategic perspective. Particular focus is placed on leadership in the middle and top management of large enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, and public organisations. You grow your expertise in strategic leadership’s impact on the organisation’s performance.

Module 2: Digitalisation, AI, Deep tech and Innovation Management, 2 September  13 December 2024

This module looks at digitalisation and the central questions concerning the changes it brings about in organisations. We examine the management of knowledge-intensive work and the creation of new knowledge. We also examine innovation cultures and digital capabilities in organisations. You learn how to build a long-lasting competitive advantage by promoting innovation in a complex global value network.

Module 3: Entrepreneurial Thinking, 13 January – 21 March 2025

This module focuses on entrepreneurial thinking and activities and how they are supported in large companies and organisations through leadership, example, and strategic and decision-making levels. You can assess and develop your leadership skills and strengthen your capabilities as an enabler and promoter of entrepreneurial thinking and activities.

Module 5: Operations Management, 23 March – 12 June 2025

In this module, we discuss the nature of organisations, the role of management, and relations with the external operating environment, all of which are under constant pressure for change. You receive frameworks and insights on the operations of organisations from the perspective of behavioural sciences. You have the chance to clarify your understanding and operating methods in your own professional setting and role as a manager.

Module 4: Creative and Design thinking, 13 January – 21 March 2025

In this module, we examine design thinking approaches to creativity and innovation in situations where the aim is to create user-oriented products, services, and processes. On the topic of service innovation, we focus on new perspectives on value creation, which emphasise co-creation with users and partners through the active exchange of information.

Module 6: Change and Crisis Management, 23 March – 12 June 2025

In this module, we focus on managing organisations during times of change and crisis by looking at the political, cultural, and ethical dimensions of change. We examine how leaders, managers, and various actors manage change and prepare for crises. You learn how to anticipate the unpredictable and potentially harmful impacts of changes and crises from the perspective of your own role.

Module 7: Brand Management and International Business, 1 September – 12 December 2025 

This module delves into strategic brand management in an era where internationalisation is focused on globalising operating environments through the use of the internet, smartphones, and social media. We look at brand and marketing management from the perspective of customer behaviour in both the B2C and B2B sectors, emphasising the critical link between brand management and international marketing.

Module 8: Green and Sustainable Economy, 1 September – 12 December 2025

In this module, we examine responsible decision-making techniques. The main themes include financial impact, sustainability, and ecological thinking in business, particularly from the perspective of preserving non-renewable resources and reducing emissions. We also examine the corporate image from the viewpoint of the economy and profitability and explore the possibilities of utilising financial data in strategic decision-making.

Final thesis

The final thesis brings together all the learning throughout the programme. In each module, a short report of approximately ten pages is prepared, serving as the basis for the final thesis. The final thesis delves into topics such as digitalisation and artificial intelligence, change management, brand management and international business, and sustainability. It is written from the perspective of your own company and is worked on for 12 weeks. The work must be submitted no later than 31 May 2026.

Developing leaders of tomorrow – can we help you?

Take your career to the next level with our comprehensive and innovative XaMBA program. Designed for ambitious professionals, our program offers:

  • World-class faculty: Learn from industry leaders and esteemed academics.
  • Global recognition: Benefit from our internationally acclaimed curriculum.
  • Tailored learning: Customise your learning experience to align with your career goals.

Get started today! Leave us a message, and we will get back to you soon to discuss how the program can be customised to your goals.

Annika Salmi Coordinator, annika.salmi@xamk.fi, +358504015654

Pihla Karhunen Coordinator pihla.karhunen@xamk.fi, +358505731121

Ulrika Silversabel XaMBA Programme Director, ulrika.silversabel@xamk.fi, +358503528515

Jan Henrik Storgårds XaMBA Academic Programme Director, jan.storgårds@ext.xamk.fi